Our Services

1. Handwriting and Signature Verification 2. Fingerprint Analysis 3. Handwriting & Personality Analysis 4. Cyber Security Service 5. Corporate Training 6. Body Language Analysis 7. Psychological Fitness/Disorder Identification 8. Candidate Selection for Vacancy 9. Counseling and Psychotherapy 10. Forensic Psychiatry and Medicine 

Course/ Training:

1.  Graphology Courses 2. Body Language Analysis  3. Fingerprint Analysis  4.  Forensic Document Examination 5.  Forensic Psychology  6. Cybersecurity and Ethical Hacking  7. Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) Basic & Advanced Training 8.  Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( NLP) Practitioner and Master Practitioner Training  9. Neuro-Linguistic Programming ( NLP)  Master Practitioner and Coach Training  10.  Dialectical Behavior Therapy ( DBT) Training  11.  Forensic Science & Crime Investigation 12.  Soft Skills 

Contact on  WhatsApp: +8801988-896656 or +919327466436

Signature & Handwriting Verification

We use handwriting analysis to verify signatures and determine if they are genuine or forged. Our skilled professionals provide unparalleled accuracy in signature and handwriting verification, ensuring confidence in your document's authenticity.

Fingerprint Analysis

Uncover hidden insights with our comprehensive fingerprint analysis services, backed by years of expertise. We use our knowledge of fingerprint analysis to identify individuals and match fingerprints.

Body Language Analysis

Body language analysis to understand people's emotions, intentions, and deception. Gain a deeper understanding of interpersonal dynamics through our insightful body language analysis. Analyzing the video or any case, the fee will depend on the amount of work and the complexity of the task.

English Handwriting Analysis

Explore the fascinating world of personality identification through English handwriting analysis conducted by our experts. We use handwriting analysis to assess personality traits and identify areas of strength and weakness.


We provide counselling and psychotherapy to individuals and groups to help them overcome emotional problems and improve their mental health. Our senior & Intern Psychologist offer a compassionate and effective approach to help you overcome life's challenges

Psychological/Corporate Training

Enhance your team's performance and communication skills with our specialised psychological and corporate training programmes. We provide training on a variety of psychological topics, such as stress management, conflict resolution, leadership development, etc..